samedi 2 août 2014


(Black nightshade vegetable, a leafy green vegetable with a bitter taste)

Traditionally,  it could take 3 days until it will be ready to serve because the Osuga is a bit bitter vegetable. Mama Sarah cooks it with sour milk every day until it loses its bitterness. On the third day, Mama Sarah adds fresh milk, salt and ghee oil.

But the younger generation prefers a faster and healthier version of it. Here is how Mama Sarah's daughter, Marsat Onyango, cooks it.

Preparation time:   10 minutes
Cooking time:         20 minutes

3 handfuls of nightshades
½ cup of water
1 tablespoon ghee or any kind of vegetable oil
1 big onion
1 cup of milk/coconut milk
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt

Wash the nightshades' leaves well.
Cut them into tiny pieces.
Chop the onions.

Heat a pan with oil to medium heat.
Add chopped onions.
Stir it until they turn light brown in 2 or 3 minutes.
Add the nightshades, salt and ½ cup of water.
Lower the heat and let it boil up to 2 minutes.
Add a cup of milk or coconut milk.
Let it cook 5 or 6 minutes.

Serve with maize or corn meal.

Serves 6.

Dietitian's Verdict (per serving):

Calories: 91
Fat: 4.0 g
Sodium: 203 mg
Cholesterol: 13 mg
Sugar: 4.7 g
Protein: 4.6 g
Fiber: 4.0 g
Total carbs: 9.2 g

Nutrition Grade: A

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